shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka


Traditions can be many things, two of which being cruel and unpleasant. One part of our US trips which have made it into tradition are the games of Beanboozled. For those not familiar with the concept, it's a simple game, involving the consumption of Jelly Belly Beans. So far so good, 'they're really nice', you think, those watermelon and green apple ones are just lovely, for example, and there are another 48 official flavours. Except these ones might not be quite so pleasant... Is the brown bean you are putting in your mouth chocolate pudding or dog food? Is the green one lime or lawn clippings? And is the black one liquorice or skunk spray? Yes, really, and it is just as bad as it sounds! You have to pity the poor staff member who had to test these. This wee collage shows a few of the faces seen when they worked out that they were consuming the less tasty option! 

Oh yes, we did some work today too, but it doesn't make for nearly such interesting photos!

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