In My World

By JoanneInOz

Mono Monday #104 ~ Tradition.

Happy Birthday, Mono Monday ~ Two years old today and still going strong!

Of course, it's a Tradition to say "Happy Birthday" on days such as today, so that fits with the theme. And today is the last day I will be on holidays in Noosa, a place which has become the Traditional holiday destination for my family since Adam, now eighteen, was a tiny baby of just three weeks old!

We even stay at the same resort every time we visit. Call it boring if you like, but for me, it's a Tradition, my home-away-from-home.

I've even had a gorgeous and very tame Butcher Bird visiting me each morning while I've been here, so I've really felt at home. :)

Thank you so very much to osuzanna for hosting the MM challenge this month, and a special mention to the lovely and talented Paladian, who began the MM challenge, way back when.

Lets hope the Tradition continues, that Mono Monday, and Blipfoto, will still be up and running this time next year.

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