Clix : Aperture Wide Shut

By clix

Mark Greenaway and Angels with Bagpipes

A day of rain rain and more rain. Anything outdoors was cancelled.

I was slogging away indoors building the new kitchen.

By the evening Twitter was alive with bars and restaurants plying for trade from people abandoning the aborted Taste festival on the Meadows.

Mark Greenaway and 'Angels with Bagpipes' decided to do something different.

As the Taste festval was abandoned they managed to get some space in and old building at the end of the Meadows. As Mark said, so much food was wasted, but they opened up to give away what they could and keep the foodie spirit alive.

And not just for folks who were at Taste but to anyone who came along.

I think it was Paul Whitecross from Angels with Bagpipes. I didn't quite catch his name. He didn't seem to push himself forward but he did do what he does best. Cook great food.

The queue was round the block.

Unfortunately I didn't have time to wait and with the length of the queue I doubt any food would be left by the time I got in.

It seems that today's cloud had an unexpected silver lining for some.

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