live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

In the funeral..

We were receiving a phone call from our cousin, he told us that his Mom (our lovely Aunty also my Mom's big sister) has passed away this morning. Oh God.. Very shocking and very sad news! :((

She had been sick for several weeks.
She was experiencing bone calcification, has been carried out a treatment by some doctors. She felt a bit better after the treatment. But last Thursday night she fell in the bathroom, her son immediately moved her to a bed and covered her by a blankey because she was freezing.
Because of the fell, she was in a huge pain especially in her waist, hips and thighs. On Friday evening she felt something wrong with her stomach felt loated and her head felt dizzy.
Her daughter in law(she is a doctor) gave her some medic but she didn't feel better. Then they brought her to the hospital to to check out more about his condition. after the scan, doctors could not find anything. then conducted a more complete scan, which can be seen that in the body there is a lot of gas. Weird things, from where these gases could come. Was there an infection in her intestine? The doctors must act quickly so that the gases are not up to the top of the body's organs. My aunt needed to have surgery. but this operation was very dangerous, my aunt had diabetes and heart disease, the surgery percentation of successful was not that good. The doctors did their best and leave the rest to God.
But.. it was her time to leave this world.

May God receive all the good deeds and will forgive all her sins. Rest in peace, our lovely aunty. You will be missed.
You were the best aunty we ever had. Xx

Hope you have a lovely day, blipchums!

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