Story Time Tradition

It was always a tradition in our house to read the children a story before bed. I know my daughters have continued this with their children and I'm sure it's the same in many other households.  This tradition gives children a love of books and reading which they carry on in their lives.  Even if the book is often a kindle or similar the love of literature is established and reading is a pleasurable activity.

Our dog has been in at the vets today for some surgery.  She has various lumps and bumps which have been deemed unimportant but one on her mammary gland was becoming rather large.  The vet found another lump on her gum this morning which was more worrying and she had that one removed - not the other one.  So far all looks good but a sample has been sent off for analysis.  If the result is all clear then she'll have the original one removed.  So fingers crossed. I felt bad that I couldn't explain to Corrie what was happening.

Good news from Blip today.  Long live the Blip Community!! Do pledge or donate if you have still been waiting to see what happens - it will all help to keep Blip for us!

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