Tiny Tuesday:34

A beautiful weed caught my eye on a late walk this afternoon. Its a type of dandelion and these will puff out in the next day or so and be beautiful in a different way! :o)

Storms rolled in just as work finished and the thunder and lightning were very loud for a short while and poor Toto wasnt impressed at all!! Once it had all gone and only a slight grumble could be heard in the distance we went out for a walk and he was fine! There have been times when he wouldnt even leave the house after a storm, so I think he's starting to realise that they dont really hurt!

My extra is of a hole that opened up in the thick cloud and the sun was at the right angle to shine a beam of light right through, quite spectacular although I wished I had a better lens on at the time, this was taken with my macro!!

Such fantastic news from the Fab Four!! Looks like Blip will carry on and I am very happy about that!! :o))

All is quiet now and Toto is snoring and I'm off to bed after another heavy day at work!

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