
By EmilliMicz

BLOC Friday 2012

It was the First BLOC party and would be the last. London Pleasure Gardens was the destination. Really Uber cool place with space that was supposed to fit 60,000 people but ended up in an utterly disgraceful closing down of the site by 12.30am.
Reason? Simple: Oversold of tickets and rampage and craving music enthusiastics that could not keep queuing....

I Q for 3 hours and Squashed like a sandwich which was the most horrifying and terrifyingly tiring situation to be in... Especially if you lost your friends and standing alone. Then, a huge Surcharge of overpriced food and drinks and card charges of 2.75 pounds on LINK.

After so, Each tent was Smashed tight n packed and no re entry and queuing for ages... to get in again? I mean why have barracades for Tents?

Been to so many festivals in my life.... I have never seen such an disorganised bunch....
Worst of all, tickets were so expensive and the Line up was only really Mediocre... Preferred to go SW4 than ever.... at one point... I had actually thought to myself.. I should have pursued my long term dream to be a Dj...and not get Squashed like that....

POOF! Anyway, my final dedication to this and although it was a diasater... At least, I managed to support my very own HomeBoy: Xhin... whom I have to say have impressed his skills to millions n myself.... Proud to have discovered n also proud to know someone so talented comes from homeland... to afar.... from Berghain to London to home.. Well done.. X

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