For those who don't want to know the score....

Even though the light wasn't so good, I took my camera for a walk this afternoon, in search of birds. Over recent weeks and months, there have been reports of 4 species of Owl in an area close to where I live, but today, none of them were hunting there at twilight. instead, I managed to see a Stonechat and a Kestrel, both of whom were somewhat camera shy. The Kestrel sat on this wall for a minute or two, but persisted in looking away except for this one rather blurry shot. Hey ho! That's wildlife photography!

Wonderful news about Blip's future. I feel a great sense of relief that things seem to be close to a positive outcome for all of us who have kept the faith and put our hands in our pockets. I wonder how many others received an email today informing them of the demise of Friends Reunited - a brilliant idea in its day but now sadly no longer what people want in the way of a Social Media site. 

Long Live Blip!

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