Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Snug :)

Today is cold - although not as cold as in Germany where my daughter is, her car recorded -10 this morning!!! Mine was a mere 0. Having been given some lovely thermal snugly socks for christmas, the perfect day to try them out.

Regular morning run, mum seems to be loosing more and more teeth but still very happy, half a pound off at WW and then home for lunch. Spent the afternoon working, catching up ready for our "new way of working" change.

SOS call from my lovely neighbour this evening, one of her boys poorly and needing to seek medical help so spot of babysitting for the other two (soundly sleeping, unaware of the commotion in the house). Remote control in hand, coffee and feet up.

Oh - feet toasty and snug ALL day,, perfect present :)


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