Eightercua Stone Row

We braced the elements after a very leisurely start, the rain got harder but we walked along the beach at Ballinskelligs Bay and marveled at the hardiness of the McCarthy clan living in the castle which is surrounded by the sea at high tide and battered by the waves! The wind driven rain ensured the walk was brief. Undeterred though we hiked up the hill between Lough Currane and Ballinskelligs Bay to see the impressive Eightercua stone row, there is an extra photo of this and the castle if you are interested. One last bit of archaeology was a very impressive ringfort at Caherdaniel with commanding views over Derrynane Beach. Enough's enough though and it definitely wasn't hill walking weather so we retired to the roaring fire and a hot bowl of soup at the pub before heading home to the Sheeps Head.

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