George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

It's that or nothing

Which is what SHE always says to me when she's giving me my chicken strip at night.  It is apparently what HER mother always said to her when she turned up her nose at tea time.  Especially when it was tomatoes on toast which she now loathes with a passion.

I've never had tomatoes on toast, so I can't possibly comment - but I do quite like chicken strips, so I'm not unhappy with the arrangement.

Especially as I know that there's going to be fish for tea, and they always give me some.  I like fish, especially when it's battered and fried - or I would do if I actually got the batter.  Which I don't because they take it out and only give me the fish.

I bet you all get to eat the batter - sigh!

Oh, just one more thing.  SHE promised me an extra treat and a party if they hit £130,000 this morning.  Which they didn't.  Now, you don't begrudge me an extra treat, do you?  Pledge or donate, and you'll make me a very happy little black dog.

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