
By TBay

Oh hello!

My granny thought it was time that I did a post again and as she's been a bit busy I thought I would help her out. Granny says that's a laugh as usually I waste so much of her time she doesn't do blip as much as she used to! I don't see how I waste her time!

Farming - Daddy says that the boys have been busy hauling compost again. He says it's still a bit soggy here so it has caused a few problems. No one got stuck last week. Phew.

Granny has been uber busy this week as she has also finished the annual accounts ready for the accountant. She said it a bloomin' good job they are finished cos she hates them!!

Grandpa went to hospital yesterday to have the first of his cataracts done. He's ok but as yet his sight is still a bit blurry. Granny is taking him off again today to have the other one done. Hope it works ok............

I am also glad to report that the attics are now finished. Grandpa says this is a fine job, and he is looking forward to spending loads of time up there sorting all his toys out. Granny said to point out that he is not hiding from her.

Looks as if it will be Tractor Thursday this week due to Grandpa and his ops.

Lots of love. Little Miss.

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