explore. dream. discover.

By marlouvwxyz

8 hours and 4 minutes

Bilthoven, the Netherlands

it was a loong day of travelling and such an adventure! in short: i had to travel another way than usually (map), because of a tree on the railroad, and while being on that other road - a tree fell on OUR railroad, and crushed the cables of our train. we have been staying there for over 2 hours, and got evacuated! instead of waiting 2 more hours for busses to "rescue us", we decided to hitch-hike to the station of utrecht (about 10 km away). anyway, i got home!

11:04 i took the train.
14:12 i was supposed to get home.
19:08 i actually GOT home.

ps. for the dutchies: while arriving at utrecht cs.. haha!

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