John Lewis and the poached egg adventure.

I was in John Lewis this morning buying some earphones, and I thought:
I'll just nip upstairs and have some Eggs Benedict.
There were lots of lovely big laden counters, and lots of people to help.
Except they really try their very hardest not to.
They won't look you in the eye or acknowledge your presence.
One man was watching eggs. One woman looking at the coffee machine.
Another polishing an imaginary cup.
And lastly a man was arranging and rearranging those imaginary cups.

I don't know why, but I thought: Fuck it I'm going to wait.
I met a man in the queue, we started to chat, we got on really well.
We fell in love and got married, our house was an architect designed glass house in Wiltshire with a wonderful big garden, we had twins, a girl and a boy, Martha, and Plastic Wank Pocket. They love to play the piano and violin, and both are gifted artists although Plastic has a bit of a squint. My husband and I were thrilled when they passed their exams with flying colours and managed to get into Universities of their choice.
This year they both graduated.

And then they took my order at the counter.

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