The New Borough Loch

It has stopped raining for the moment, but our very own new loch on the Meadows is still home to seagulls and ducks with the neighbourhood dogs enjoying a splash around in the water.

The Meadows of course was a loch- the Borough Loch- until it was drained to make a vast green park to the south of the city centre in 1740; before that, it supplied water to the town.
There is still a square of houses at the edge of the Meadows called Borough Loch Square.

On the other side of the middle walkway, the huge Taste of Edinburgh site is still a mud bath with generators pumping water out of the tents. Future tasting has been cancelled, and I should think the clean up will take longer than the putting up.

Today we said farewell to Jennie and John as they departed to London on their way home to California, where the sun symbol is very present on the weather forecast page.

We had a lovely valedictory meal with them last night and will miss not having them on site in Quartermile; but with any luck his Lordship and I can brave the horrors of air travel across the Atlantic with the security nightmare and endless queues on the US entry border to visit them in Berkeley next year: no longer can we delay things at our age.

Now it's fingers and toes crossed for Andy Murray in the Wimbledon final. My nails will be bitten to the quick.

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