
We have decided to hold a fundraiser for our friend & colleague whose daughter was hit by a car 2 weeks ago. Her injuries are serious and on Tuesday she was transferred to a specialist spinal unit in Glasgow. Sydney is only 15 and a tiny wee one at that. 

We sent an email company wide last week, and started canvassing for raffle prizes etc.  We have chosen 17th February as our "Send Love to Sydney" Day. On that day there will be a huge bake sale, and a baby competition , with photos of us all as babies, finishing with the raffle in the afternoon. 

We have had huge success with prizes of spa days, meal vouchers,  hotel stay, gym passes, cinema passes etc. as well as a supply of wine, chocolates, whisky etc handed in from other depts. We started selling raffle tickets on Tuesday and by lunchtime today when I finished we have raised an incredible £750.00 so far. We also have signed football shirts, balls & boots from the 2 local teams which will raise a lot. 

I am so proud of my department,  they have embraced this and spread it far & wide throughout the company and the local area.  Hoping this will ease the burden of travel costs, acommodation for Sydneys family. 

I'm sure you will hear a lot more about "Send Love to Sydney Day"  in the coming weeks. 

A quiet weekend for us which I'm glad as life has been so hectic recently.

Have a good weekend :-) 

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