And as it finishes so does it begin

Istanbul Snow Scenes #4 -  Night fall flurry

Last day of school for this semester and just when we thought all the snow had finished, this evening a new flurry flounced about and sort of settled dusting the campus like a fairy cake.  The shot is hand held from the kitchen window @ 19.28 - I do like the footsteps on the path. It had been an unremarkable but pleasant enough morning at school that heralded the beginning of the two week vacation and then an afternoon at home doing not a lot and even less than that.  This "vacation" is a bit of a 'busman's holiday' however as tomorrow I am chaperoning (with Robin) 24 students attending THIMUN (The Hague International Model United Nations) 2016 conference - my fourth year of doing so (see tag). 

Late afternoon and procrastinating about packing, I ended up cooking a 'proper' meal and invited Robin for dinner when we also checked in on line for tomorrow evening's flight to Amsterdam (fingers crossed).  Piles of "must take" stuff around the flat now make my home look like a white elephant stall at a village fete,  but we don't leave until 16.00 tomorrow so loads of time yet to organise it all in to the one suitcase and hand luggage .....  I hate getting the suitcase out because Elizabeth always gets inside it.  She always knows when I'm going away.

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