Studying Granddad

Who is just out of shot.

He doesn't quite know what to make of him, but I'm sure they'll be great pals in a day or so.

A fairly straightforward day. We got through it anyway, with our great pile of luggage. Freddie was a complete star and took it all in his stride, even the very hairy landing.
The plane lurched terrifyingly from side to side, from one wheel to the other. The worst landing I've ever had. Thank goodness it's the last one for a while.
And I have serious issue with Ryanair, whose procedures insisted Freddie be removed from his sling, where he was securely held against his mum, and instead wear a ridiculously loose and silly belt. Consequently he was bruised when we were tossed about so much on landing. They actually put him in danger.
Livid grandmother. Rant over, sorry.

Absolutely lovely to get home. Freddie has been very peaceful. I think he likes it here.

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