Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

On track

Another walking day today (and Sunday again) oh it's just lovely to be outdoors and meet up with others, known or getting to know while stepping away our miles. The lady in blue and here upfront in the right corner and I met 9 years ago when on a hiking weekend in the  Belgian Ardennes, no way we'd expect to meet ever again then. But we did a few years later as we're both a member of the same hikingsite and thus we meet occasionally on a hikingday like today ~ as usual we + all fellow walkers harboured indoors for a coffee stop on our route and that's when I took another photo; ok my blip for today

my connection with blip / internet is thro' a computer, not via a handy with app and thus I'm not always online.... so I'm often late with my reaction, but do know I appreciate all of your reactions, write ups, stars favs! And will try to reaction upon your blips too as done before; CU

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