A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Blip For Blip's Sake

Photo for God's sake.

Desperation sometimes wins over art.

Not a great day today. I was pulled over by the Guardia on my way home for a documents check. 

Fortunately I had everything correct, but he noticed my MOT was out of date. I was, however, able to show him that I had passed one a month ago except for one problem (a stick on sunscreen strip is illegal in Spain it seems) and could show him the email with the new appointment made for a retest in two weeks time. He reluctantly let me go after telling me very firmly that I must change my UK driving license for a Spanish one asap.

And before that, I discovered that I have landed up in the only international school in the world that has no half terms at all. Ever. Can you believe it? Who on Earth would think that was a good idea?

A good job it is Friday or I would be really depressed.

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