
My family has had some very sad news, the lovely Nina pictured bottom left sadly passed away yesterday morning after a very brief illness of only a couple of days, I don't actually know exactly what happened yet, but I was only chatting to her on Facebook the other day!
Her father was best friends from university with my mother's father and I have known her all my life and always enjoyed seeing her and her family.
I decided to visit my mother today to tell her the news and take her out for a walk, I got there at 1:30 and she was still having lunch and didn't finish until almost 3 o'clock!
I took her to the nearby water Gardens which she really enjoyed and described as a treat and told her Gerry's news as I had spoken to him in the morning and to his son John.
Then I told her Nina had passed away, she took it very calmly and then said she expected she would be next, I said although it was certain that all of us were going to die one day none of us knew when and that there was no way of knowing whether she would in fact be next or not!
We went to a nearby shop and bought some cards to send to Nina's daughter Julia and went back to the nursing home to write them.
Then we called Gerry after I had put her phone on to charge and topped up the credit but she couldn't hear him so his son John had the great idea of face timing us, they both really enjoyed being able to see each other and she could hear much better, when I took her into the dining room for dinner Norman and his daughter both remarked that she looked very freshfaced and happy.
I'm really pleased I went there today but I wasn't expecting to be gone for almost 6 hours!

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