A short 'pier' into the future

Whislt Danny and Asha were out swimming this morning, I watched two really interesting videos, one about the brain & music...fascinating stuff (only 17 minutes long if you get a chance to watch it)...recommended by blip friend, Daenu... I've been thinking about it all day... And the second was recommended by Mountainbrew - The power of believing you can improve - absolutely amazing, and I reckon, a must for all parents! Again, I've been thinking about it all day, and how I can encourage Asha in the process of things and not the achievement...how I can change my language to help her persevere and know that not now doesn't mean not ever, it means not yet... Anyway...

Met up with the Claytons this afternoon - went to a hidden beach, walked a tiny cliff edge trail (I mean, tiny) down to a beautiful cove...Beautiful, but was aware we'd have to get back up, with a 4 year old and a sheer edge!! Have added in an extra pic...

Now for a skype with a friend and an early night.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Stimulating videos!
2) Time out of the city.
3) A glass of wine.

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