The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Fox Glacier

As the wind conditions stopped the helicopter flights up to the glaciers, we headed off to walk to the base of Fox. The photo shows the base and if you look closely the scale dwarfs the tiny ant sized people on the path at the shoulder of the hill path.
It was really impressive. The sheer destructive power of the ice had left a wasteland sculpted through the rock. The fast flowing river clouded by the glacial melt, only cover a fraction of the flood plain, showing a hint of how vast it must have been in the past. As we past sign posts stating where the end of the ice had been in the relatively recent past, it was amazing at the speed it is mow melting. Up to seven metres a day.
We headed back to do some much needed laundry and decided on another walk as the weather still wasn't going to make a flight possible. Off round Lake Matheson, which is known for wonderful reflections of the mountains, but as the wind caused ripples, we has to make do with a good walk.
My sacro illiac didn't like this much and I limped homeward.
The evening crossword after a dinner in the White hotel, settled us for an early start to see if the weather would be better in the am.

As Aye


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