Merry Christmas!

Kids woke up at a sensible time (if you discount the 1am and 4am puke sessions from Eva ) and were very excited to go downstairs. Lots of squeals to see the mince pies & whisky gone and that Rudolph had taken a massive bite out of the carrot left. Then it was through to the living room to see what Santa had left under the tree. Two big sacks of toys! Both very happy with their loot. 

After a quick leg stretch for the pups, then a leisurely breakfast and some lego building, we headed out to the woods to give the dogs a good run fed two sets of customers cats and went down to give Lime his Christmas dinner. 

Then we went over to A&K's late afternoon for a lovely Christmas dinner. Little Eva been fine today but hasn't really wanted to eat much. We were all feeling flaky after so little sleep last night. 

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