
......is bad for you!

Noo has been 'playing' with ZQ's wrestling figures! He won't be very happy when he sees John Cena....

I didn't get anything like a lay in this morning. It felt like I was awake most of the night listening to Noo cough......and cough, and cough, and cough. Eventually we just got up. He coughed much less once upright. We then had to tackle another round of hair treatment before he went to a 4th birthday party. He wasn't amused, and was still subdued when we got there. His bestie was at the party - Connor - so, once Noo had overcome his reticence, the two of them had a ball.

To say he has been hard work this afternoon would be an understatement! He is clearly under the weather and feeling grumpy. GravyC attempted to cheer him up with a game of StarWars on the wii while I disappeared to bed for an hour before I completely lost the plot I managed to squeeze in a short run for the second day in a row!!! That cheered me up a bit....

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