and through the wire...

By hesscat

Ms H Potter

Ms H is almost half way through her prelims. Last week I finally got round to making her a desk in a cupboard which despite her protestations, I was sure would work and she'd appreciate it. It's an unused kitchen worktop cut-off I must have stored away for about 15 years! We gave her the option of moving the furniture around her to another part of the room, but she was keen to have this little enclosed space... if it was good enough for Harry Potter...

She's at that age where she wants to decide for herself and not take suggestions from the oldies, I remember the same thing myself, Hi Mum if you're reading. Even if it is the right thing to do, you don't want to do it. So I find it funny as she lets her guard down when initially saying no, then making a choice at how she wants it. Thinking deeper, I remember then thinking I knew everything, and seeing Ms H do the same I realise I was just a wee laddie :-)

Ah yeah, where was I, yup she loves her wee cupboard under the stairs and has used it every day for studying! Just need to finish a few things off... she seems to be doing ok at prelims, but difficult to say, at least we'll get a better idea what is required of the real ones and she's getting into a routine for revision. I don't envy her a bit though!

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