
By TheJuicyDoyenne

The Hex Sign Barn

I was hurrying home from some pre-snowstorm errands early this evening when I got the idea to pull over and try photographing the "Hex Sign" Barn/Gift Shop that is located in Centre Hall. 
These colorful wooden signs are said to have come about when local Pennsylvania German farmers placed the "hex" (a term derived from the German word hexafoos, which means "witches foot") symbols on their barns to keep the evil spirits away or to bring good luck. I have always thought they were pretty cool myself.
I had a feeling that it was not going to be a simple feat to accomplish as it was pretty much rush hour, I was losing light quickly, and the way the building is situated, it's nearly impossible to safely find a good angle to shoot from. 
I quickly found the best angle to shoot the photo; however I immediately realized that there are approximately 50 power lines criss-crossing the area which I could not find a way to shoot around....Ugh! I guess I will just have to do a little more scouting around the area and possibly give it a try again another day.

"A man will always do well with a big barn and a big wife."
~ Pennsylvania Dutch Proverb

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