twinned with trumpton


A rushed blip on a rushed day...

I always look out for this on a sunny winter's morning; and between the chaos that was Saturday, it delivered.

1000 party for Alex in Jungle Adventure; then quick tour of Tesco (it seemed sensible as we were already there); Asda for petrol and air; Tom to fitba', spoke briefly to Stuart; then home for kit for the rest of the day; collect Alex at 12, Tom at 12, then try and make it to folks for lunch.

Martin is down for back treatment for the weekend; but in spite of being told not to drive, he was off with the van to drop a motorbike, collect plywood, see his de facto Paw In Law...
Still, Chris and Mia were there for lunch; so with Thursday's progress and a quiet family lunch, everything seems (just now) on track. Which is good.

Homewards; we stopped by to collect her; she came for dinner (smoked salmon, goats cheese, balsamic and strawberries on oatcakes; then pulled pork and a coleslaw of sorts with a scattering of potato wedges)

A very chilled pleasant evening.

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