My mum and two brothers are camping nearby so I said they could come over and do some washing which wasn't as kind as it sounds because it was Jim that did all the cooking and cleaning and driving (bless him. He's a lovely man) and watch Wimbledon.

Which meant I had to watch it and it's not like we didn't know the outcome but it took five hours to prove who was better at knocking fuzzy balls about and the loser cried because he only got half a million pounds and the other one looked smug and agreed he was a tennis genius as if that was some how useful, like being a genius genius, and he'd spent five hours finding a cure for cancer and solved the economic crisis in his tea break from the lab.

It's all very mysterious but ultimately worth it for family time; mum decided they should have OAP ball boys ('it would just be really funny'), rob though if the game went on too long they should replace the balls with hand grenades (just to stun them. Not kill them) and all were engaged in a game of hide and seek though they couldn't be bothered to move so were just hiding under a blanket that nearly always had to be passed to them by the nut, even though he had his eyes shut because he was counting, and who spent a while good naturedly pretending to look for them after he'd hidden them.

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