Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Squirrel guard

Our pup, Gypsy, hates squirrels..she can be sleeping upstairs and hear them come on the porch to the birdfeeders.  She ran downstairs so fast yesterday I was worried she would break her neck..jumped up on the windowsill, whining, and scanning the outside.   Yes, there were 2 squirrels on the porch!  After I took the photo, I got up to open the door, her feet scrambling, slipping around as she flew down the hallway on the tile, and almost knocked me over before I could get the door and storm door open.  Alas, even though she runs as fast as she can, she is a slow poke compared to the squirrels..but she still gives chase in the direction they run.   Then she struts around the yard like she has done something amazing, tail held high!   Silly dog!

Not a selfie but part of myself for monomonday.

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