Without hesitation, deviation or repetition.

Den Haag 2016 #1: The Hague Model United Nations Conference

It seems that I would not last long if asked to participate in "Just A Minute" on the topics I have tagged - as I realised this evening that every photo I took today is replicated somewhere in the previous three years at this time. Particularly amused to note that in my new, '16 version of this one, even three of the boys are the same students!  (extra).  I suppose when I am here for the same annual conference in a city packed full of Art and history, the same subjects will be my subjects... so my challenge this year is to find some different angles or approaches for my fourth THIMUN conference in this 2016 week of Netherlandish blips.

Today started with leisurely late breakfast and then taking all the students down town to the Mauritshuis Museum for some Rubens, Rembrandt and a dash of Pearl Earring (extra) along with the glorious visual feast from the "Golden Age of Dutch Painting" that is the Mauritshuis collection.   After the Art everyone went their own way (kids in groups of three of course) to explore and I retraced my steps (more than 10,000 of them according to my Fitbit) of previous years as I walked around this lovely, fascinating city, stopping here and there to buy a Desiguel handbag and some warmer jumpers.  Met Robin for delicious Tai curry dinner before heading back to the hotel.

Today's photo shows the Binnenhof from inside the quad - often walked through, and not my best photo on this cold, damp day, but at least I haven't blipped it before!! "Built primarily in the 13th century, the Gothic castle originally functioned as residence of the counts of Holland and became the political centre of the Dutch Republic in 1584. The Binnenhof is the oldest House of Parliament in the world still in use."  Wikipedia

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