Big Hill

By bighill

A Kiln Load!

Over the past few months, a couple of blippers have asked to see the results of the firings i talk about! So, here is today's yield! It was a good firing, packed to give me the maximum $ value....and almost 100%! a couple of mugs were just a tad too close and the glaze from one attached itself to the other! no big deal, i can just file down the spots a bit, put a dab of glaze on them and refire them! they'll be good as new!!!

In this kiln there were: mugs, teacups, wine cups, mixing bowls, wine coolers, platters, chip and dip plates, brie bakers, and a few other odds and ends!
We were supposed to pack up a box or two and deliver them to a gallery on the west side of the island. but after a long day's work, neither Terry nor I felt like making the drive, an hour and a half each way! we'll leave early in the afternoon tomorrow instead!

It's been a glorious day here...warm, a bit of breeze and so sunny! we actually need some rain, i'd like to not have to get into water the garden!

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