Light & sight

By CameronDP


This is Lucy, Maxy's sister (see earlier entry). You perhaps wouldn't know they were related to look at them, although you can still see that distinctive Siamese wedge-shaped head. Lucy has the same colouring as their mother and the rest of the litter: Maxy was the only one to enter the world with that pale apricot sheen.
Lucy is noticeably smaller than her brother - at one point he weighed twice as much - but she has made for her lack of stature by being twice as loud for much of her life. When not chasing balls or begging for yoghurt (yes, really), she spends a lot of time, as you can see here, stretching out and rolling around on the carpets.
Unlike Maxy, who is showing his age, at 15 Lucy looks almost exactly the same as she did 10 years ago: the sole exceptions being a hint of extra girth and an occasional, possibly arthritic limp.

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