
By annamariahill4

Stormy day

The weekend passed in a whirl travelling round North Yorkshire with my daughter and her partner, looking at properties and various towns and villages. Nothing was suitable but they did decide they wanted to be in or around Ripon or Northallerton, so some progress was made!

I can't remember whether I have had a moan about estate agents, but talk about 'sins of omission'! I really do think that if there is a corporation tip or a factory within 100 yds they might just mention that!

The remnants of the American storm arrived today strong winds and blustery showers. The golf course is still closed but I have to admit that I did venture down to the practice ground to see if the knees would stand up to hitting a few balls. They did! I did not fall flat on my face in the mud. Funny how standing up to your ankles in mud hitting little round balls can cheer you up!!

My blip is a marble, that has been messed about with!

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