walking in the city

By inthecity

Cream on black

South Asia Festival in Little India yesterday. No battery. No blip*.

Great time though. K (treasured highschool friend) and I gorged ourselves at the Lahore Tikka House, barely able to hear each other over the Bangra beats. Then we wandered up Highfield to her friend's birthday party for the eve. Turns out it was a potluck and there was a ton more food, including a Pink Velvet cake.

Wow, great people too. I met a botanist, a philosophy professor, a mechanic, and a theatre reviewer. We tried to parse out Prince's discography while the others danced to Hot Chocolate--half in the kitchen, half on the deck.

I am moving slowly today. I've been playing Prince's catalogue most of the afternoon. Classic.

* here's last year's or maybe the year before.

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