More Faffing

With another wet, grey day not lending itself to outdoor photography, I thought I'd combine last week's white-on-white ( exercise, from the A Year With My Camera course* with yesterday's experimenting with aperture one.

Instead of adjusting the exposure through post-editing, this time I did the adjusting in camera by trying different apertures. I reckon this one, taken on f32, produced the most natural outcome.

I know this will be old hat to most blippers but, although I've sort of understood the theory before, I've never really tried it out in practice and compared the results before - which, of course, is what the course is all about.

The hyacinths have a wonderful scent, by the way.

Other than that, I've spent an hour in the dentist's chair having two teeth filed and drilled down in preparation for crowns being fitted in two weeks' time; something to look forward to, then:)!


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