
Took no photos all day, so took this on my way to the church meeting which I was already late for... (I do not know how to use this camera at night - hopefully learn sometime soon...). But actually quite symbolic as found out when got to church the church hall side had been without electricity since 3, and there were loads of vans and machines drilling - fixing some wires that had broken which bring power to the building. Meant the church meeting was slightly disorganised and poor Donald was without a full PowerPoint because office had had no computers all afternoon - and John was without his finance handout because the photocopier was out. Meanwhile the three different courses that run on a Wednesday evening were having a candlelit dinner!

Very much appreciated today what good company Zion is when he's had enough sleep (both this morning when he woke at 8:30 having only woken once in the night - thanks to some essential oils seemingly stopping his coughing... And then this afternoon when we went into Sutton after he'd had a nap of over an hour and a half!)

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