"Don't burn your Bottom !"

It was such a glorious morning that I decided to explore the byways of Bruton using an historical walk guide from the Internet - it was truly fascinating and I discovered lots of new places. This sculptured bench was near the river.Apparently titled 'Man on a Bench' - it cost £22000 and the Mayor who had it enstalled has hadn't put out a warning ' Don't burn your Bottom' as it is made of bronze and heats up in the Summer!!!!
I also found gate Alms Houses and their ancient chapel which was delightful.
After that the day went downhill as I had a basket of shopping at Lidl only to find my credit card was nowhere to be found when I arrived at the till. Fortunately it was by my laptop when I hit home as I'd used it to redo all my links on my iPad after Apple replaced it at the weekend.:)

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