Harris' Hawk

Well an opportunistic bird pic if ever there was one. I was in king's cross station and on my way to the loo. I passed someone who looked to have a falconry glove on his hand. Odd I thought, I could not see any bird.

When I returned not only was he still there but this hawk had appeared. Got out my iPhone and clicked away. Could not get close enough for a sharper picture but what a great surprise and wil, contribute to my bird collection.

For those like me who have little idea of this bird I found this:

The Harris's hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) formerly known as the bay-winged hawk or dusky hawk, is a medium-large bird of prey that breeds from the southwestern United States south to Chile and central Argentina. Birds are sometimes reported at large in Western Europe, especially Britain, but it is a popular species in falconry and these records almost certainly all refer to escapes from captivity.

Why was it there? Well he said that it is used to keep pigeons out of the station. You can see why it might do that and then he and the hawk were off. Blip done and on way home. Nice one,

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