Hillgrove to Mettupalayan to Ooty to Mysore

Today, on our tour of Southern India we got up before the crack of dawn, risked our lives on mountain roads and then took the narrow gauge steam train to Ooty at over 7000 ft. And what a journey! Every time the train stopped , and it did several times, everyone got off and wandered around the various stations. Some took picture, other had coffee or tea or candy floss and then the train driver rounded them up and off we'd go again. The driver stood on a platform at the front of the train wearing an immaculate white shirt and stopped several times to organise debris to be cleared  off the line, pick up parcels , wait for a stag and the odd cow and stray dogs to cross the line and  various peripheral activity. Was it scary? No! Was it interesting? I wish all rail journeys were like that.

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