The second half of life..

By twigs


The weather gurus had forecast heavy, persistent rain today but it never came. It's been overcast with thick, heavy clouds all day and there was even some drizzle this morning but hardly the nasty storms we were told to expect!

We should be thankful for that I guess, but what I've found is that I actually feel a little miffed. I've stayed at home all day expecting the unpleasant stormy weather to roll in at any time and I haven't done the weekend washing! By the time mid-late afternoon rolled round and nothnig had changed I needed to get out so headed to the beach for an hour.

Clearly it wasn't that bad - there were people in the water swimming, and this little girl was obviously enjoying splashing around in the incoming tide.

They're now saying the heavy stuff will get here over night or tomorrow - but I think I'll just ignore their forecast for now! In any case, I have a couple of hours work tomorrw in the middle of the day which effectively puts pay to planning any day trips.

Sorry - have just read this back and it sounds so grumpy and dull - which is, I guess, how I feel!


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