It's All Over - Den Haag 2016

Den Haag 2016 #5: The Hague Model United Nations Conference

A day that started pretty much as yesterday and finished with a beer in Amsterdam.  The 48th THiMUN conference is now history - ending with the same formulaic closing ceremony - ergo a stage full of flag waving "ambassadors", committee chairs and VIPs, then the drummers (I have no idea who they are but they perform every year) and finally the elated but totally exhausted audience, including me.  

Later, we all (27 of us) went to the nearby Japanese restaurant where Robin and I enjoyed sushi and a few other dishes while the restauranteur must have seriously reconsidered their "all you can eat" policy as our teenagers ploughed their way through every dish on the menu for the next two hours. Afiyet olsun. 

Back at the hotel some time later, well, 20.40, the Dutch coach driver arrived and looked at me sideways when I assured him that my students would indeed, be ready at 21.00 (there was no sign - they were all still eating sushi). Fear not, the coach did indeed roll away fully loaded with children and luggage and two teachers at 21.04 and brought us through the rain to Amsterdam where we will stay for two nights.  

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