Another Visitor

Woke to a deep fall of snow this morning and it snowed off and on until mid-afternoon, when it was replaced by heavy rain.  Loads of birds on the feeders, including a couple of yellowhammers who forgot they were ground feeders, a few brambling among the chaffinches and a swooping sparrow hawk , who was unsuccessful.

Many thanks to everyone for the lovely birthday wishes for yesterday.  Our meal out at Little's Fish Restaurant in Blairgowrie was excellent, with superb lemon sole in toasted almond butter, a real favourite!  

My cold seemed to improve for the day and I thought I'd got off lightly, but today it has returned with a deep cough etc, etc, so it still has a way to run.
Hope it improves again tomorrow, as we plan to have lunch with friends followed by a concert and I do not want to be the one coughing throughout!

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