Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Happy 60th Mum!

My Mum and my nephew Owen ogling the delicious birthday cake. It was this yummy strawberry, jello, pudding, and angel food cake concoction (like a trifle?) that my Mum's BFF made.

We had a lovely day with my Mum's family and friends (that live on this side of the world at least) at the Acton Arboretum. It was sprinkling and looked ominous when we arrived, but it was gorgeous out (and pretty hot!) within an hour or so of arriving. We had a yummy picnic with catered sandwiches and fruits, chips, and what not. Followed by my Mum's birthday cake and cookies. We had a nice walk around the grounds as well and hung out together, which was lovely.

Some dark storm clouds started rolling in after 5pm, so we packed up and headed out. We got back to our parents' house only to have it be lovely weather again ;) My Dad fired up the grill and we had a yummy dinner and followed that up with lighting the fire pit. S'mores, hooray! Ended up spending the night.

My Mum got all kinds of great gifts - a new cd/radio for her kitchen, some white gold dangly earrings, money for her new deck/patio area, pretty flowers, gift certificates to her favorite flower garden, and an archway for her garden. She made out like a bandit :)

The dogs had to stay home, no picnic for them!

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