
By Jeanettie6

A very unimpressive bulrush photo and not even a feisty coot to add a bit of interest. Sorry!  It was the only photo I took near Canada Water today, whilst I was waiting to meet my brother and sister-in-law, who live nearby. 

I'd always wanted to go to The Mayflower pub, which is the oldest pub on the Thames.  I'd walked past it lots of times, when I've walked from Greenwich up to the City, but never been brave enough to pop in there on my own...and I'm always on my own when I walk all those miles, as my friends think I'm a little potty walking up to 'town', when there is a train to take you up there in 10 minutes!)  Any road!  We had a quick look inside (and very interesting it looked too) but, like we feared, it was far too packed with people and we needed a table and chairs to rest our old legs, so we decided to visit another time.  We walked along to another, larger riverside pub and due to enjoying ourselves so much, spent a lot longer in there than we expected.  A few glasses of wine later...and only a teeny bit wobbly, we left!

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