On my own

Having fallen to sleep in the car on the way to his Nanna's last night, Noo was hungry and keen to get up shortly after 6am this morning!! Eventually GravyC got up, and we had a plan for the day. He and his brother were going out for a run, and Nanna and Noo were hitting the shops. Clever Grandad was staying in bed out of the way!! I would have loved to go for a run with the big boys, but I'm trying to be sensible (it doesn't come easily!!) and look after my foot. I'm allowed to walk, so I decided to walk to the shops myself for some things that I needed. I spent all of 10 minutes at the shops before I was bored, so I had a leisurely coffee all by myself!! I then marched back the long way - about 5 miles. Not quite a run, but it eased the pain/ guilt/ urge/ compulsion somewhat...

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