Charcuterie and Sauerkraut

The bright colors of this image belie the grayness of the day; the sun was forecast to show itself, but it didn't. At least it was warm--high 50s F (13˚C).  Webster defines charcuterie as "a delicatessen specializing in dressed meats and meat dishes"; it originated with pork products.

This is one of several large charcuterie stands in our huge Sunday market along the Boulevard Auguste Blanqui, which extends nearly 500 meters starting at the Place d'Italie--ca. 1/3 of a mile.  It was crowded as always, along its full length; weather is never a deterrent. As you can see, sauerkraut steaming in champagne  ("Choucroute cuite au champagne") is featured at this end of the stand. It's €5.95 per kilogram, ca. $3.50/lb--which seems cheap (that presumably does not include any of the meat products visible  in the large pan).

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