Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

WIN score!

I walk by WIN every morning on my way to work, just before their opening time. I give 'em a wave as I pass by their magnificent shop window. They always wave back at me. And sometimes they flail about at me, if they've got something to flail about about.

They did flail about at me as I passed by Thursday morn and I thought they'd come into another fine paint by number! Perhaps a twin set! I was beside myself.

errr ....

... they'd saved the cock and hen for me, set them out on the jewellery counter, in all their glory. They were waiting for me to walk by on Thursday morning.

I was somewhat alarmed, but tried to play it cool ...

Me: How much.
WIN: Five bucks.
Me: Each?
WIN: The both of them.
Me: Oh ... okay ... wrap em up (I guess)

Cock and hen.

A dodgy paint job, but intriguing all the same.

I'm actually really warming up to them. The cock is a good eight inches.

The things you do for Women In Need, eh!?

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