
By Carey20August

Day 032 First Jerusalem Artichokes

This is the first of many buckets of Jerusalem artichokes I shall dig up this winter, in a vain attempt to get rid of them.

Many years ago a friend of my son's proudly gave me two tiny plants that he'd grown from seed himself.  I was so touched and put them straight into the veg patch.

Little did I know that these plants grow to 15 feet tall and are impossible to get rid of. Over the years both of my sons have decided that THIS is the year that all of the tubers will be dug up and no more will grow in the spring. The veg patch is double-dug and that is that...

Until April when shrieks of 'Bloody Wayne' echo round the garden as new shoots break through the ground.

Why don't we eat them?  They are called 'fart'ichokes for a reason. When I offer them to friends, they snigger and say 'No thanks' with a grin.

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