Mono Monday -- Light (MM106)

Just a thought -- I could be bitter about things I 'miss out' on, but I could turn my back on all that and just go on the way I do ... actually, the way we do, since hubby and I have been black sheep from birth and now, occasionally, we wonder why all the other sheep are white.  It's funny how we now get excited about the same things, and then hold each other in check as we realize we have to take care of some affairs first.  I think we have been 'twins' from the start.  Looking at us, though, you might hardly believe that.

Monday is my free day but I did consider going to work to pick up exams.  The weather being what it was, though, I decided to leave that off till tomorrow, when I have to go anyway. ... Hence the indoor shot and coincidental participation with Mono Monday.

Psych heaps better than yesterday but still room for improvement.

For Wednesday and Thursday, the school has organized a sleepover at a hotel in Noordwijk ('Nordwike') so that everyone can use the time away from the school premises to participate on development activities in connection with the new school curriculum.  Could have joined but not feeling psych up to it and I don't want to risk burn-out symptoms.  Besides, I have enough to do, preparation-wise, and this coming semester promises to be busy.  I have 3 first-year classes, 1 second-year, 1 third-year, + 2 homerooms.  While I intend to report to work tomorrow, I will 'call in ill' for the rest of the week, except perhaps to pick up exams on Wednesday in the afternoon, during which hardly anyone will be around.  And then I still have the final marks for this past sem to complete.

(Not to mention the fact that I have gone through similar work-connected hotel sleepovers, all in the name of management projects, all of which never really took off.  Of course I'm not going to say that aloud.)

In the meantime, the Robert Burns MOOC is proving to be a welcome distraction, especially as I can do it anytime I want.  I might just opt to buy that certificate.  Here's a little poem I made up and shared during the discussions.  It's using the pattern of the Burns stanza.

This side of Burns I never knew!
In wondrous shades of green and blue
The beauteous wench in image grew
and then she said
That from his heart, his words were true,
and far from dead.

And that is why today we know,
that whether we are friend or foe,
if we e'er to Scotland go
and study Burns,
that we can search both high and low,        
    there's much to learn.

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